Juicing has quickly become the newest health craze. There’s plenty of buzz surrounding the benefits of juicing, especially when it comes to the best juicing recipes for weight loss, such as cleanses or the standard juicing fasts. There are two different types of popular juicers on the market these days: centrifugal and masticating. Masticating juicers, also known as slow juicers extract the juice in a manner that allows the juice to retain all of its nutrients. Because of this, slow juicer recipe tend to be the more popular option. We’ve included some of the most popular recipes ideas, in addition to the best fruits and veggies to use for juicing.

These slow juicer recipe are specifically designed for masticating juicers. Each recipe contains a well-balanced flavor that’s not overly sweet or bitter. Aside from a great flavor, each recipe also contains a balance of nutrients that will ensure you get your recommended daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Making your own juice can be a fun and rewarding experience, especially once you start learning more about the benefits of different fruit and veggie combinations and how each type of juice can positively impact your health.

Once you get the hang of juicing and what fruits and veggies work well together, you can do a little experimenting and create a unique blend of flavors for a juice that’s loaded with essential nutrients.

Making the Perfect Healthy Juice

It’s no secret that juicing is good for your health. We often struggle to get in the recommended daily servings of fruit and veggies, so it makes sense that juicing can be a better, easier alternative than eating salad at every meal or trying to eat a piece of fruit on the go. But making your own juice can be a little tricky in the beginning, especially if you’re not much of a fruit and veggie person, so you don’t know what type of fruit and veggie combinations really work well together and which ones just don’t.

making the perfect juice

When it comes to creating your own juice, you’ll have the ability to get really creative, mixing and adding all your favorite fruits and veggies. When you first get your juicer, it can be really easy to get carried away and add a variety of fruits and veggies that don’t exactly complement each other. Or worse, you may even try juicing the wrong types of fruits and veggies, the ones that don’t have the best texture or have a taste that makes them overly bitter when juiced.

Below is a list of the best fruits and veggies you should try for your first juicing session:

  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Beets
  • Romaine
  • Watermelon
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Strawberry
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli

Health Benefits

When you’re creating your own juicer recipe, it’s important to consider the different benefits each type of fruit and veggies offer in order to create a well-balanced drink that can provide you with your daily nutritional requirements.

Kale: If you’re on a low-calorie diet, kale is your go-to veggie. It’s also high in calcium and contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Cucumber: The cucumber consists of ninety-five percent water and it’s actually an impressive detoxifier, one that promotes kidney and liver health. It’s also very low in calories and has the type of mild almost melon-like taste that will complement pretty much any type of fruit or veggie juice recipe.

Spinach: While it’s a powerful leafy green veggie, its flavor doesn’t dominate a juice quite like kale can. Instead, the taste of spinach is actually very easy to mask, if you’re not a fan of its earthy flavor. Despite its mild taste it’s loaded with iron and vitamins and it’s considered one of the most nutrient dense veggies on the planet.

Carrots: Everyone knows that carrots are an excellent source of beta carotene and vitamin K. But did you also know that it’s a great source of fiber and potassium? Carrots have not only be linked to eye health, but they can also help to naturally lower cholesterol levels.

Lemons: Lemons are commonly used for their cleansing properties and their ability to naturally boost the immune system. They can also add plenty of flavor to any juice, although their tart taste will not blend well with certain veggies, such as kale.

Celery: Mostly water, celery is very low in calories, features a mild taste and is a great dietary source of vitamins C, K, and A.

Apples: Apples are very sweet and high in sugar, so you’ll only want to use them in moderation. They also promote heart health and can naturally help fight inflammation.

Beets: These root veggies contain nutrients that can fight inflammation and help lower blood pressure. They also offer an earthy, almost sweet taste, which makes them a great alternative to fruit if you’re looking for a low-sugar juicing recipe.

Creating Your Own Juice

If you’re new to juicing then you may not be familiar with the fruit and veggie combinations that work well together. Below, we’ve compiled a list of fruits and veggies that work well with each other.

Green Juice

  • Spinach
  • Cucumber
  • Lemon
  • Ginger
  • Apple
  • Kale

Detoxifying Juice

  • Apple
  • Ginger
  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Lemon

Food for Eye Health

  • Carrots
  • Parsley
  • Apples

Green Juice Cleanse Recipe

There’s no doubt that green juice is by far the most popular type of drink home juicing enthusiasts make. This type of drink is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients.

To make your own green juice you’ll need:

  • Three cups of spinach
  • Two cucumbers
  • Half a lemon
  • Two large apples
  • One inch of ginger
  • Six celery sticks
  • One tablespoon of lemon juice
  • One cup of kale

Detox Juice


A good detoxifying juice will cleanse the kidneys and liver, removing harmful toxins from the body. Most fitness enthusiasts recommend doing a juice cleanse once a month. Below you’ll find a moderately sweet detoxifying juice that you can make using your new juicer and some fresh organic veggies:

  • Two carrots
  • Two apples
  • Half a lemon
  • One cup of kale
  • Three medium-sized beets

Immune Health

A juice designed to boost your immune system is perfect for cold and flu season.

  • Six carrots
  • Three oranges
  • Half a lemon
  • One inch of ginger
  • Two apples
  • One cup of spinach
  • Half a cup of parsley

How to Prepare for Juicing

How you prep your fruits and veggies can mainly depend on the type of juicer you have and the size of the chute. If your juicer has a smaller chute, then this means you’ll need to cut the fruits and veggies into smaller chunks in order to accommodate the produce. Of course, regardless of chute size, some prep work will be involved, such as washing and peeling the fruit. If you fail to prepare the fruit and veggies correctly, the entire operation can halt, especially if the produce is too big to fit through the chute. This can cause a backup of sorts, which can result in the juicer overheating. To save time during the week, try prepping the fruit a day or two before you plan to juice and store it in an airtight container.

Related Questions

What Type of Juicer Should I Use for Green Juice?

Masticating juicers such as the Hurom HU100 Masticating Slow Juicer tend to work the best when you’re dealing with leafy greens since a standard centrifugal juicer can easily clog and overheat, struggling to tear apart the slippery produce. Of course, the veggies should be prepared properly in order to avoid causing problems when juicing with a masticating juicer as well. To do, simply tear up or chop the produce prior to juicing. For more information, be sure to stop by and read our masticating juicer buyer’s guide.

Can Juicing Help You Lose Weight?

It can. In order to lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you burn. When you juice, you’ll have more control over how many calories you consume per meal. You can easily substitute one or two meals a day with a nutrient dense juice. Doing so can help you to lose two to four pounds per week. There are also juicing fasts that you can try that are designed to also detox your liver and kidneys while boosting your metabolism. This will help your body to burn and use calories more efficiently, which will also aid in weight loss. To learn more, click here to read our article on best juicing recipes for weight loss.

Final Thoughts

These slow juicer recipe are perfect for any time of year and can help you to easily meet your daily nutrition requirements. We recommend drinking the juice immediately after juicing since it will begin to lose nutrients slowly over a period of two days. In some cases, fresh squeezed juice will have a fridge life of five to seven days, however, for most juicers, a two-day fridge life is average.